Use transforms to pivot existing indices into summarized or entity-centric indices.
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Transforms enable you to convert existing Elasticsearch indices into summarized indices, which provide opportunities for new insights and analytics.
For example, you can use transforms to pivot your data into entity-centric indices that summarize the behavior of users or sessions or other entities in your data. Or you can use transforms to find the latest document among all the documents that have a certain unique key.
For more information, check out:
- When to use transforms
- Generating alerts for transforms
- Transforms at scale
- How checkpoints work
- Examples
- Painless examples
- Troubleshooting transforms
- Limitations
Create and manage transforms
In Project settings → Management → Transforms, you can create, edit, stop, start, reset, and delete transforms:
When you create a transform, you must choose between two types: pivot and latest. You must also decide whether you want the transform to run once or continuously. For more information, go to Transforms overview.